
What is "Global Ethics" x Am I a "Global Citizen"?

  • 2021-03-16
  • Admin Admin
What is "Global Ethics"?
In the current era of globalization, how can we promote the common well-being of mankind? The famous theologian Hans Küng therefore put forward the concept of 'global ethics', which concerns to promoting dialogue between major cultural traditions and seeking common accepted basic moral values and ethical standards. The important elements include: non-violence, respect for life, justice, holistic, tolerance, integrity, sexual equality, cooperation and mutual support, etc. Global ethics express the common moral vision of mankind.

This seminar will present you:
a) the concept of global ethics & global citizenship
b) why it is important to you
c) how we can use global ethics to solve today's global problems

Lecture speaker:
Dr. Nigel Dower is an honorary senior lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He served as the President of the International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) from 2002 to 2006. In the past 30 years, he has dedicated his research in the field of the ethics/ philosophy of development, environment, and international relations. His research interests have focused on various issues of global ethics, including development, environment, human rights, peace and security, and global citizenship. His work has resulted in various notable edited books and publications, including World Ethics – the New Agenda (1998, 2nd edition 2007 EUP), An Introduction to Global Citizenship (2003 EUP) & The Ethics of War and Peace (Polity 2009).

To get know more about Dr. Dower from TED talk:

To know more about the topic (Global Ethics & Global Citizenship):

Date: March 17 (Wed)
Time: 5 – 7 PM (Taipei Time)
This lecture will be held via Google Meet. The link will be provided after you complete the online registration.
2 points for TMU Global Learning Passport for students. 2 hours of TMU education training credits for faculty.

For more information, please contact Global Partnerships Section (
