
All courses move to distance learning starting from Sep. 20th to Oct 3rd

  • 2021-09-10
  • Admin Admin

According to the TMU Meeting of the Epidemic Prevention Group on Sep 9th

In order to reduce the risk of group infections and to protect the health of school teachers and students, all courses move to distance learning starting from Sep. 20th to Oct 3rd.


l   Date9/20(Mon)-10/3(Sun)

l   All courses move to distance learning.

l   Note

1.      Course Selection Schedule adjusted:

                                (1)     Couse add/drop: 9/22(Wen)12:10 - 10/8(Fri)13:00

                                (2)     Course selection list confirmation & final correction: 10/18(Mon)9:00 - 10/21(Thu)17:00

                                (3)     Course withdrawalstarts from 10/25(Mon) 9:00

2.      TMU Learning Management System “Im@TMU guide”

                                (1)     System Operation Manual

                                (2)     Synchronized courses learning guide

                                (3)     During Couse add/drop, Im@TMU update once a day. Please login to Im@TMU the day after you add the course on Academic & Student Affairs Information System.

                                (4)     Please contact Office of Information Teaching for Im@TMU problems (Dann campus (#3) 1617, 1618, 1619, 1616).

                                (5)     Please contact Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs for course problems (Ext. 2121~2129)

3.      Teachers' teaching notes during the epidemic prevention period

                                (1)      If there are any adjustments to the course method and grading method, please make sure to announce information on Im@TMU.

                                (2)      Please record PowerCam and upload all teaching materials to Im@TMU.

                                (3)      Please ensure the quality of teaching, strengthen teacher-student interaction, and do not use the old PowerCam files to implement remote teaching.

                                (4)      When teachers conduct distance teaching, please pay attention to and ensure the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of students' learning. Please ensure that students' online attendance, discussion and various aspects data are records for reference.

                                (5)      Please contact Office of Information Teaching for distance teaching technical consultation (Dann campus (#3) 1617, 1618, 1619, 1616).

                                (6)      Distance learning reference:

(a) Ministry of Education "Online Teaching Package", (b) Facebook "Taiwan Online Synchronous Teaching Community".