The Office of Research & Development provides academic and science graphic design support to the TMU community. This service can be utilized by the TMU faculty and affiliated hospital staff.
This service is reserved to the TMU faculty or affiliated hospital staff.
Application Requirements
The applicant must be the first author or corresponding author of the article.
The article must be submitted by the TMU or affiliated hospitals.
Other TMU related medical research.
Application Process
The applicant should first fill the application form and submit it to the R&D office. All cases will be handled and scheduled in the order in which they were received. The R&D office will inform the applicant of the consultation time.
No urgent cases accepted. All cases will be dealt on “first come first served” basis. Each applicant shall apply one case at a time.
Cases will be distributed by the R&D office to the designer.
Consultation hours: Mon.-Fri. 09:00-17:00 at the R&D office
Payment Method (Type A and Type B):
Type A: Free of charge during the trial period (till Jun. 30th, 2021).
Type B: Matching Service. Assist applicants with off-site designers at applicants' own expenses.
The Office of R&D reserved the right of final interpretation for the content hereinabove.
※Contact Person:Shannon, Zeng (#7191, shannon.tmu.edu.tw)